Sunday, December 5, 2010

BCS-bound Cardinal (just in case it's the Fiesta Bowl)

Oh, come on; I had
to say it: Boom'er Sooner?
I hardly know 'er.
--Gary Tyrrell

Sins of the father
Somehow avoid son
Newton's law of privity.

Reggie Bush to press:
If I didn't ask, do I get?

Cam Newton as John Banner
Take my dad to the cooler
I know nuthink, Herr Colonel!
--We Bow to No Man

Upon hearing that
Stanford would not get Rose Bowl
Small football fan wept.
--Cynthia Gentry

BCS-Bound Cardinal

Orange Bowl haikus
Easier than limericks
Harder to rhyme "orange."

ACC's Hokies
Versus the Fighting Harbaughs:
Stanford will smoke 'em.

Andrew Luck's swan song?
Please please please please please please, no.
Get your degree first.

NFL lock-out.
Stay in school, Jim and Andrew.
Twenty-twelve Rose Bowl
--Gary Tyrrell