Sunday, December 5, 2010

BCS-bound Cardinal (just in case it's the Fiesta Bowl)

Oh, come on; I had
to say it: Boom'er Sooner?
I hardly know 'er.
--Gary Tyrrell

Sins of the father
Somehow avoid son
Newton's law of privity.

Reggie Bush to press:
If I didn't ask, do I get?

Cam Newton as John Banner
Take my dad to the cooler
I know nuthink, Herr Colonel!
--We Bow to No Man

Upon hearing that
Stanford would not get Rose Bowl
Small football fan wept.
--Cynthia Gentry

BCS-Bound Cardinal

Orange Bowl haikus
Easier than limericks
Harder to rhyme "orange."

ACC's Hokies
Versus the Fighting Harbaughs:
Stanford will smoke 'em.

Andrew Luck's swan song?
Please please please please please please, no.
Get your degree first.

NFL lock-out.
Stay in school, Jim and Andrew.
Twenty-twelve Rose Bowl
--Gary Tyrrell

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Stanford 38, Oregon State 0

4 in BCS
Never thought I'd see the day
Can you say "road trip"?!?

Harbaugh stock is high
Big offers likely coming
Bye, Singletary?

Visit Bowl Central for a recap of the Stanford-Oregon State blowout--I mean "game."

Saturday, November 27, 2010

A stadium half full or half empty?

An article in today's San Jose Mercury News described Stanford's trouble in filling its stadium despite a record football season. Our very own Gary Tyrrell is quoted.

Empty stadium
Guilt over not attending
Word, Gary Tyrrell
--We Bow to No Man

Stanford Continuing Studies

The cognoscenti
have discovered the virtues
of five syllables.
--We Bow to No Man

Monday, October 11, 2010

Stanford 37, USC 31

Traveler VII
Ready for glue factor
Kiffin as knacker.
--We Bow to No Man

Post-season sanctions
may become irrelevant
for SoCal cheaters.
--We Bow to No Man

"Watched" game on iPhone
Text trash from sis in L.A.
Silenced at 0:00.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Stanford vs. Oregon, 31-52

Grew up in Eugene
Ducks sucked when I was a youth
Welcome to my world.

Quack quack quack quack quack
can't believe we fucking lost
quack quack quack quack quack.

Quack attack. We're stunned.
Too stunned to create haiku.
Et tu, Gary T?
--Cynthia Gentry

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Stanford 68, Wake Forest 24

September Nineteenth
It's Talk Like a Pirate Day
Hail to Coach Harrrrrrrrrbaugh

"Is that us?" I asked
Regarding black-clad Stanford.
I meant "Is that we?"

What Steely Dan meant:
Call Stanford the Mighty Red
Call them Deacon blue.
--Gary Tyrrell

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Stanford 52, Sacramento State 17

The Stanford Band owes
Us a royalty today
Haiku halftime show.
--Fake Bill Walsh

Friday, August 20, 2010

Cynthia asks: Where is the Stanford Snuggie?

Get close to your team!
Famous intimacy sage
Plugs logo'ed Snuggies
--We Bow to No Man