Thursday, November 29, 2007

Big Game conflicts with Nap Time

Late game start does not
Bode well for child's nap schedule
Toddler does not drink.

Warm-up to The 110th Big Game

I'm in Las Vegas
running 13.1 miles
Watching on Versus.
--Jeff Suto

Three-and-out Punt Fest
A longer half-marathon
Than Jeff will endure?
--Gary Tyrrell

B'Game win possible?
Both teams are in a tailspin
Who will crash softest?

First Big Game for son
Beginning great tradition
Gar's ale for breakfast.
--Richey Neuman

Monday, November 26, 2007

Green is not the color of envy. November 24, 2007: Stanford 14, Notre Dame 21

yet another loss
no fighting irish found here
ugly green color.

Those dirty Irish
Steal our coach and then dump him
Because he's not Weis.
--Jeff Suto

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

"...and then, in my fifth Super Bowl..."

L to R: John Elway (Stanford '83), Craig Hummer (VERSUS TV), Kevin Moen (California '83) and Gary Tyrrell (Stanford '83) reunite for the first time in 25 years to discuss "The Play" for a one-hour TV special to air November 24 at 6 p.m. ET. (Note that Elway and Tyrrell were the only ones to receive the memo about wardrobe.) Photo courtesy of Don Feria, Getty Images Entertainment.

Going to Peach Bowl!
Weenie's knee down, no whistle?
Who's Gary Tyrrell?
--John Elway

Too bad Moen got in
Trombone trombones tromboner
Gary made the hit.
--Fake Bill Walsh

Sunday, November 18, 2007

November 17, 2007: Cal Bears lose to Washington, 37-23

Stall On, You Bears

Golden Bears stumbling
Oh, to have a running game
Then we'd be favored.

Five-oh to six-five
Bring back Tom Holmoe?

OSU meltdown
Goodbye to number one rank
Seems so long ago.

Harbaugh v. Tedford
"Harrrrrbaugh" sounds like a pirate
"Tedford" sounds preppy.

Lloyd Carr retirement
Go Blue opportunity?
So long, tree people.

Two and Nine Weis men
Three and seven Cardinal
Harbaugh seems more fit.
--Gary Tyrrell

Gary haiku flows
Big Game excitement peaking
This could be the year.
--Fake Bill Walsh

Thursday, November 15, 2007


(Editor's note: After Stanford's amazing upset over USC, Trojan fans responded with their own haiku blog. It was a nice try.)

Yuk! 'SC haikus!
5 (x) 7 (+) 5? Nearly
41-point line.
--Richey Neuman

Sunday, November 4, 2007

November 3, 2007: Stanford 9, Washington 27

Miserable game.
Injun summer weather, though,
made beers quite tasty.
--Gary Tyrrell